Paragon Solar Articles

Filtered by: Solar (2 articles)

Google and the IEEE Power Electronics Society has introduced an open competition to build a small power inverter, known as the Little Box Challenge. The winner of the $1 million prize will have designed and built a smaller, cheaper, and more efficient kilowatt-scale inverter with a power density of at least 50 Watts per cubic inch. OK, But What's a Inverter? Inver...
|  news | Solar |

In this article, we will discuss how to find the length of a shadow if we know the height of the object, our latitude, and the day of the year. In part I we consider a flat surface. In Part II we will get a little more advanced as we consider the same on a pitched roof. Let’s get right to it...   The Math The phrase "SOHCAHTOA" is a mathematical term that reminds ...
|  Fundamentals | Solar | System Design |